More about Stress

By John Pepper

Is your life stressful?

If you answered, yes; have you done anything about it?

What can you do about it?

My name is John Pepper. I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1992.

Get hold of a copy of my book, Reverse Parkinson’s Disease’, and learn, not only what I did to get rid of ‘Harmful Stress’, but what type of stress is harmful and what isn’t.

Not all stress is harmful! The brain needs certain levels of ‘stress’, in order to survive, but it does not need harmful stress.

What constitutes harmful stress?

How do you go about getting rid of harmful stress?

Why do you need some forms of stress?

How do you know the difference between the two forms of stress?

Read my exciting book and take the necessary steps to start reversing, or maybe only slowing down the inevitable progression of Parkinson’s disease

Can anybody do it?


Why NOT?

If you were recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and you are prepared to invest a certain amount of time and effort into changing your life style, then YES, you do stand a good chance of at least slowing down the progression of your Parkinson’s disease, if not actually reversing it, as I have.

If you were diagnosed quite long ago, then you still stand a chance to at least slow down the progression of your Parkinson’s disease

If you were diagnosed long ago and you find difficulty in moving, then you would be ill-advised to even consider going this route. However! There is no harm in trying, if you are determined to give it your best effort!

But if you only go at it half-heartedly, you will stand very little chance of changing the course of your Parkinson’s disease and will land up very disappointed and disillusioned.

Why would you not give it your best effort?

My experience, over the past ten years, has been that there are many patients who think they are unable to change their levels of stress, especially where the stress is caused by family members.

My book explains that there is nothing different between dealing with family members, than there is dealing with other people. The results of not taking this action will be the same for both groups. If you don’t get rid of your stress levels, your Parkinson’s disease will definitely get worse, quicker than it will if you do get rid of it.

You have to ask yourself, “If you continue to get worse, will it help that family member, more than if you were not to get worse?

It obviously, cannot benefit anyone, if you continue to get worse, especially if you stand a chance of getting better, if you don’t have that stress!

What is needed here is tough love. Even though it may not appear to be possible for the family member to find a solution to the problem – he/she would stand a better chance, if you were forcing her/him to do so! There is an old saying, “Where needs must, the devil drives”. You would be amazed how people find answers to problems, when they are forced to do so.

When you are no longer able to help him/her, or maybe also not any longer able to help yourself, that family member will then have no option but to find a solution to the problem - only then, there would be even more People with a problem!

Maybe, that family member just needs that push to find a solution to the problem. If he/she has no other alternative but to go out and find that solution, then he/she will go about it in a much more aggressive way.

There are, of course, Parkinson’s disease patients, who would rather go down the drain, together with that family member, regardless of the consequences, rather than taking the bull by the horns, while there is still time to find that solution.

There are other types of stress, which are self-imposed; such as wanting to keep a promise, which was made, before you knew about your inability to handle the stress it has caused you. Again! Ask yourself, “If anybody stands to gain from you continuing to keep your promise?” You are not responsible for your Parkinson’s disease condition, and it is your duty to do everything you can to solve that problem.

Make the most of every opportunity you have, to improve your Parkinson’s disease condition, you owe it to yourself and your family.

Put everything into perspective! Nobody can gain from you letting your condition get worse.

If you try everything I am recommending, to the best of your ability, and FAIL, nobody is going to hold it against you! They will admire you for trying, and your care-giver will be thankful for everything you did!

If you don’t believe anything I tell you in my book, that is your choice! If your doctor does not believe what I have written in the book, then that is his choice! Just because there has only ever been one person, who has managed to reverse his Parkinson’s disease, does not mean that others cannot follow.

If it is possible to reverse Parkinson’s disease, as I claim it is, there has to be a FIRST, so that others can follow.



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